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  • gbertica が更新を投稿 2年, 11か月前

    Which is better? There’s no definitive answer to that question.

    Of the two mattress types, innerspring beds are the older and more “traditional” option. Some may think of them as old-fashioned, but there are plenty of high quality, comfortable, and modern spring mattresses available.

    Foam mattresses are a newer concept, but exceptionally popular. While memory foam was originally invented in the 1960s, the foams used today are far more advanced. Manufacturers now create specialty foams designed for specific applications – cooling, support, pressure relief – and combine them to develop well-rounded mattresses.

    When comparing foam vs spring mattresses, there’s no clear “best” or “worst” option. There are simply too many variables to consider to make a generalized claim that one is better than the other.